January 2017 - HMI Solutions Made Simple

HMI Solutions Made Simple - January 2017

GP-Pro EX v4.06.2

GP-Pro EX Screen Editor has been updated. GP-Pro EX v4.06.2 supports new SP5000 display modules, features system variable enhancement, allows for more Transfer Tool functionality, and includes various bug fixes. This is a free upgrade for users of GP-Pro EX v4.0 or later.

BLUE Open Studio

Pro-face BLUE Open Studio is a development and runtime software that incorporates all of the tools users need to create SCADA HMI applications, dashboards and OEE interfaces. It is a collection of automation tools that provide building blocks to develop HMIs, SCADA systems and embedded instrumentation solutions.

GP-Pro EX Training

Reserve your seat today for our next GP-Pro EX Training class February 28-March 1, at our Ann Arbor training facility! This extensive hands-on training is crafted to meet the needs of your design and maintenance engineers.

Visit www.profaceamerica.com